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Course Approval / Credit Transfer

To secure necessary approvals and the transfer of credits, students are required to complete the electronic Study Abroad Course Approval form in the Study Abroad Portal. Participants must make sure their projected study abroad credits do not exceed the number of transfer credits allowed to receive a Fordham degree (generally 60). Semester study abroad students must register for a regular full-time course load abroad which is the equivalent of 15-18 credits per semester.

Program forms requesting official university approval must be signed by Fordham’s Director of Study Abroad.

Grades earned abroad are recorded on a student’s transcript, but with the exception of those Fordham-taught courses in the Fordham in London programs and Fordham in Granada are not calculated in the student’s GPA. A grade of C or better in each course is required. Credits for duplicate courses will not transfer. Courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis will not transfer. Courses must be the equivalent of at least 3 Fordham credits to transfer.

For more information about credit and course transfer, please refer to the academic guidelines section of your Pre-Departure Handbook.

Fordham course descriptions can be found here.
Fordham course attributes can be found here.

In general, major and minor electives can be taken abroad, but other distributive requirements cannot. You should consult with your academic adviser and your academic department to confirm what types of classes can be taken abroad. Academic departments set a maximum number of classes that can be taken while studying abroad towards their majors and minors. A list of departments and their course maximums both majors and minors can be found below:

Course Maximum for Majors
Course Maximum for Minors

Some core courses and requirements cannot be fulfilled through transfer courses taken outside of the Fordham classes offered at Fordham London or Fordham in Granada. These include: 

Arts & Science Core
- Composition I (ENGL 1101) and Composition II (ENGL 1102) 
- Eloquentia Perfecta requirements 
- Philosophy of Human Nature (PHIL 1000) 
- Philosophical Ethics (PHIL 3000) 
- Faith and Critical Reason (THEO 1000) 
- Sacred Texts and Traditions requirement 
- Exit-level modern or classical language (2001-level language courses) 
- Interdisciplinary Capstone Core 
- Global Studies and Pluralism distributive requirements 

Business Core
-The Ground Floor
-Principles of Financial Accounting
-Principles of Managerial Accounting
-Statistics 1 & 2
-Financial Management 
-Marketing Principles 
-Principles of Management 
-Business Communications 1 & 2
-Information Systems 1 & 2

Study Abroad Academic Planning Worksheet.pdf

View Courses Previously Approved by Program Name (updated 1.22.25)
View Courses Previously Approved by Academic Department (updated 1.22.25)