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Fordham Partner/DIS- Study Abroad in Scandinavia (Copenhagen) : Testimonials (Copenhagen)

The following program testimonial responses have been selected for publication by International & Study Abroad Programs
ISAP Program Evaluation Testimonial
What impact has your study abroad experience had on your life and studies?
Program Testimonials
My entire personal praxis changed from the experiences I had abroad. Everything I see is new.
— Rachel Recker, Fall 2017
What impact has your study abroad experience had on your life and studies?
Program Testimonials
You definitely grow as an individual as you are moving to a foreign country all alone. You learn to adapt to different cultures and getting around without knowing the language. The experiences and knowledge I learned in Denmark will definitely not only affect my education yet my daily decisions. 
— Jacqueline Golden, Fall 2018
What impact has your study abroad experience had on your life and studies?
Program Testimonials
I think taking a semester abroad has really made me appreciate Fordham in a different way.  I got to experience a new way of going to school, and I really enjoyed my time with DIS, but I'm glad that Fordham is my home school.  And the classes at DIS really brought an interesting perspective to my studies.  Learning about European history in Europe brought a new appreciation for my history major.  In my life, I've generally just experienced more.  Being abroad changes the way you think about yourself and helps you to become more independent.  
— Kristen Sulewski, Fall 2018
How will you keep your study abroad experience alive back in the US and Fordham?
Program Testimonials
I still follow news outlets from the places I visited.
— Rachel Recker, Fall 2017
How will you keep your study abroad experience alive back in the US and Fordham?
Program Testimonials
By recommending it to everyone, keeping in touch with those I met over there, and hopefully visiting Denmark again soon. Also the knowledge I learned over there definitely carries over to my classes at Fordham. 
— Jacqueline Golden, Fall 2018
How will you keep your study abroad experience alive back in the US and Fordham?
Program Testimonials
I would encourage other students at Fordham to go abroad.  And to maybe think outside of Fordham London.  It's a great program, but there are other options if they're interested!  
— Kristen Sulewski, Fall 2018
What suggestions or advice would you give to a prospective study abroad student?
Program Testimonials
Don't go with friends. Go by yourself and make new friends. Old clothes or new clothes, it doesn't matter. Learn the language. Be sure to ask people where they are coming from, especially if you want to understand where they are going. Share a table at a cafe with strangers. Consume culture every day.
— Rachel Recker, Fall 2017
What suggestions or advice would you give to a prospective study abroad student?
Program Testimonials
Definitely take the leap and study abroad! Although it can be intimidating moving to a foreign county for a few months, not knowing many people, along with a different language it is definitely worth it! You get to meet so many great new people, the school makes it a point integrate each student into the culture, and exploring a different city each week is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Loved my abroad experience! 
— Jacqueline Golden, Fall 2018
What suggestions or advice would you give to a prospective study abroad student?
Program Testimonials
Your semester abroad will be a roller coaster of emotions.  You're going to be excited, then homesick, lonely, then finally make friends, start to understand your new country, then have to leave and you'll be extremely sad about it.  Embrace it!
— Kristen Sulewski, Fall 2018